Sustainably increase employee motivation

In an individual coaching session, managers and their coach reflect together on which factors promote the motivation of their team and how they can create a motivating working atmosphere.

Employee motivation is the key to a committed and successful team. However, maintaining motivation in the long term is a challenge that requires tact and targeted leadership. In addition to clear goals and appreciation, individual development opportunities and a positive working environment also play a key role.

  • 1:1 Coaching Sessions

    Coachees can arrange their digital sessions flexibly and on demand.

  • Top Business Coaches

    Optimal coach selection thanks to personal onboarding and AI-based coach matching.

  • Individual exercises

    Session recaps and reflection exercises support the transfer of learning in the long term.

Goals of the Coaching Journey

  • Everyone is motivated by different things. In coaching, coachees develop a deeper understanding of the individual needs and incentives of their team members in order to specifically address the various sources of motivation and develop the potential in the team.

  • A feeling of appreciation is a strong driving force for motivation. The coach supports the coachees in giving recognition in a targeted and authentic way, thus creating a culture in which achievements are seen and appreciated. The aim is to promote an encouraging atmosphere in which everyone feels valued.

  • Motivation grows when people are able to develop and grow in the face of new challenges. In coaching, managers learn how to promote individual career paths and learning opportunities and offer their team members the chance to develop their own strengths and acquire new skills.

  • A motivated team needs an environment in which it feels comfortable and safe. Coachees reflect in coaching on how they can create an open, supportive working atmosphere that promotes exchange and collaboration and in which everyone feels that their own contribution is valuable.

"Through coaching, I have learned how I can specifically promote motivation in my team. I now understand what really motivates my team members and have found ways to show them appreciation and recognition. With new ideas for development opportunities and open communication, we have created a working environment that inspires and in which everyone can give their best."
- Christian, 43 years old


Increase team performance


Acting successfully in middle management