Breaking through self-harming patterns
In an individual coaching session, coachees reflect on their inner blockages and develop strategies to get rid of obstructive patterns and establish healthy, constructive alternatives.
Sometimes we get in our own way: unconscious patterns of behavior such as procrastination, perfectionism, excessive self-criticism or avoiding challenges can lead to us not achieving our goals or not reaching our potential. These self-defeating patterns are often deeply rooted and seem difficult to overcome. However, with clarity, reflection and targeted coaching, it is possible to recognize, understand and permanently break through these behaviours.
1:1 Coaching Sessions
Coachees can arrange their digital sessions flexibly and on demand.
Top Business Coaches
Optimal coach selection thanks to personal onboarding and AI-based coach matching.
Individual exercises
Session recaps and reflection exercises support the transfer of learning in the long term.
Goals of the Coaching Journey
Many patterns work unconsciously and only become apparent in stressful situations. In coaching, coachees analyze their habits and thought patterns that hold them back and gain a clear understanding of how these patterns have arisen and how they influence them.
Self-damaging patterns often have deeper causes, such as old beliefs or fears. Together with the coach, coachees reflect on what drives these patterns and deal with the emotional and mental triggers in order to facilitate sustainable change.
Behavior change begins with the development of new approaches. Coachees learn how to gradually replace obstructive habits with healthy and productive strategies that help them achieve their goals and empower themselves.
The process of breaking patterns requires self-confidence and perseverance. During coaching, coachees develop techniques to overcome setbacks and treat themselves with more compassion and appreciation. This gives them the inner strength to work on their development in the long term.
"The coaching helped me to recognize my self-defeating patterns and actively work on them. I now understand better why I block myself in certain situations and have developed strategies to change my behavior. The work on my self-awareness was particularly valuable - I can now treat myself with more compassion and am making noticeable progress."
- Daniel, 37 years old