Strengthening female leadership skills

In this coaching, coachees reflect on their own role and strengthen their presence and leadership skills. At the same time, an awareness of the importance of diverse leadership perspectives is created so that everyone involved can actively promote equal and respectful cooperation.

Women in management positions bring important perspectives and skills to teams and organizations. However, they are often still underrepresented or face specific expectations and prejudices. Strengthening female leadership skills not only means specifically supporting women on their path, but also promoting a work culture in which men recognize women as equal and valuable leaders.

  • 1:1 Coaching Sessions

    Coachees can arrange their digital sessions flexibly and on demand.

  • Top Business Coaches

    Optimal coach selection thanks to personal onboarding and AI-based coach matching.

  • Individual exercises

    Session recaps and reflection exercises support the transfer of learning in the long term.

Goals of the Coaching Journey

  • A clear inner attitude and confidence in one's own competence are required to perform confidently in an often male-dominated management environment. During coaching, coachees strengthen their self-confidence and develop strategies to face challenges with self-assurance and fulfill their leadership role authentically.

  • In coaching, coachees develop their individual style and learn how to use it confidently and effectively. The aim is to establish a leadership personality that is characterized by both clarity and empathy.

  • Leadership is particularly successful when it is based on mutual appreciation and recognition. In coaching, coachees reflect on how they can promote a culture of equality and respect and sensitize their teams to the importance of diverse perspectives and equal leadership.

  • A strong network is an important resource in leadership. The coach supports the coachees in strengthening and actively using their professional network. They also learn how they can actively use mentoring in their own environment to encourage other women and men to work together openly and on an equal footing.

"The coaching helped me to shape my role as a manager authentically and confidently. The work on networks and mentoring strategies that I can use to motivate both women and men in the team to stand up for an open and respectful leadership culture was particularly valuable. The coaching has given me the confidence not only to act as a manager, but also to actively shape the working atmosphere."
- Katharina, 29 years old


Delegating effectively and transferring responsibility


Leading successfully in times of crisis